2018 – The Year that Taught Me How to Be Resilient

More especially when it comes to love and happiness.

I can still remember the days when I used to ignore a lot of people, those I happen to cross path with every day – schoolmates, neighbors, friends of my friends, co-workers, and so many strangers.

I am the type of person before who always fails in initiating conversations. I’m always having trouble connecting with people. So, I chose the easier way around which is to ignore and dodge as much as possible in any situation that leads to any of your Hi and Hello.

But life always has its own way of teasing us around. It even allowed us to meet certain people in our lives to bring us lessons worth remembering.

I started 2018 with a vulnerable, tired and helpless soul. All this time of the year, all I hope was to turn myself into a braver individual. I found out along the journey that, I am not the regular-scared person anymore. I become that someone who is less depressed, less distressed and believed more that everything will just fall back into place, in God’s time.

As I look back on my days of living hazardous life, I realized that half of it was all my own doing and the other half were things that I had been so afraid to do ever since. There was couple of things that I’ll never do again, including those my worst moments. But there were also things I did that I might do again, like to love and be loved with all my soul perhaps. (HAHA)

To any of you reading this right now:

I pray that you will be dauntless to not bring any of life’s baggage in welcoming a new year and be brave to embrace 2019 with an open heart.

I pray that you will learn to forgive yourself for all the mistakes you’ve done this year, for all the goals you did not meet, and for all the achievements you promised yourself to happen within the year’s span of time.

I pray that you will be kind to yourself more and won’t let the world’s bitterness take away the gentleness and compassion there is in you.

I pray that you leave 2018 with closure and find the peace your heart really needed and forgive all the people who’ve caused you so many tears.

I pray that you will finally learn to let go of all the “what ifs” you’ve stressed yourself about and all the things that you cannot change and control. I hope you will save yourself from torment and agony by no longer clinging on to the things that you should’ve done.

I pray that you will end comparing yourself from others. You are on a different trail. Along with your journey, you will climb mountain peaks, but you will also slide back down.

We’re in this together. I don’t know if you’ve experienced the same feels, but I think 2018 was the best and also the worst, which makes it a weird yet blessed year for me.

I let go of someone whom I invested so much of my life in 2018, lost track of where I was heading and experienced rock bottom, which is why it was the worst moments. But it was also the perfect situation where I got to re-establish a few connections that once were lost. I was in a position to look around at my circle and realized that I’ve been taking some relationships for granted.

Thank you, 2018.

You taught me so much. I am now a new version from who I used to be a year ago.

You are the year that allowed me to explore my own limits and made me discover the strength I never knew I have. My comfort zone was stretched out. My fears have been confronted. My demons were conquered.

You are the year where life lessons were so difficult to handle but it was all well-timed. Indeed it was a roller coaster of emotions. But through it all, there was also faith, hope, happiness, and love. Heartbreaks are there. But so are blessings and grace.

You are the year that gives failure another name – change. It may be that painful but it was all necessary to turn me into a strong and determined person I am today.

You are the year that taught me to have faith and continue to be hopeful that something beautiful is still going to happen no matter what. You made me realize to always go after the things I am passionate about and do not live a life of regret anymore. You introduced me to a whole new journey of taking a leap of faith.

You are the year that made me resilient. The experiences I had this year made me to truly live life with authenticity and a personality that always speak volume.

I am ending this year with the new point of views. Where life losses are there to pave the way heading to where I am meant to be – success. I used to see “endings” as painful and sad, where there is fear because things will never be the same again. But now, when something beautiful ends, stunning and magnificent new opportunities also begin.

This is my strong finish. *raising a flag*

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To God be all the glory and praise.
