I Failed In Life And That’s Okay

Featuring our on the trail moments (simple and grand) --- all I don’t want to consign to oblivion, for the rest of my life.


If You're Struggling To Have Your Life Altogether
Please know that you are not the only one going through the same battle.

If there’s one thing that fires me up more than anything now, it’s that thought of you owning the strength that resides within you.

And this change of trait is something that people around you needs to understand because it is never a change that just happened at the flip of a switch.

But there were also things I did that I might do again, like to love and be loved with all my soul perhaps.

You know those thoughts that suddenly appear out of nowhere while you’re sipping a cup of coffee, and you’re alone one fine afternoon.

I’m revealing this because I’m too tired of continuously doing it and I feel like I’m being insincere all the time.

I’m telling you that you’re doing great so far. 

But there is also something reassuring and something to be hopeful about in life. All the things that were lost, even including your own self, could be found again.

You are no longer who you were because of the decisions you made. But still, thank you for taking the risk to embrace the unknowns there is in life.
