Before You Date A Soul Who Was Broken Understand This First

She had her soul trampled on. And now, she's battle-wounded to love again.

It took her long, painful months, sometimes years, to recover and redeem herself again, but she learned.

She learned how to be reliable. She learned how to be a better version of her wrecked self. She learned how to be whole again.

She is, at the moment, too many aching things to mention.

She's tired and ruined already. And nobody knows all the details of her pain. But since you are into her, she may not open the door of her heart that easily. Soon, she will. But it will undoubtedly take time. Are you willing to wait?

She's helpless and abandoned. She still remembers how it feels. Maybe in her mind, she already let go. But her heart sometimes still bleeds a little. That's why there will be days that she needs your attention, appreciation, assurance, - love. So, do you have what it takes?

She's afraid. There is fear in taking chances because she's worried that a human being might deceive her again. If you want to journey with her, remind yourself that there will be times she is still in doubt for most of the time. Her healing is a slow process. Are you patient enough?

She's difficult. Memories from the past will appear in her mind in all of a sudden. There will be days wherein she still asks herself what was wrong with her. You don't have to do the fixing yourself. But, can you manage to remain calm? 

She's confused and misunderstood. People will sometimes see her emotions as overdramatic because they're not in her shoes. What they only knew was the "pain" of a broken heart. But they don't know the exact whole story (of what happened behind the curtains). They have no idea how the situation damaged her inside, that every battle is different from someone else's. So, can you protect her?

She's weak. Because she's human, she may try to show a strong personality, but deep inside she's screaming in agony. There will be days that she starts to feel worthless again. Are you there to remind her of her worth?


She's also strong. She faced all the guilt and regrets alone. Up to this present, she's still standing despite all the insults and offence she heard. She managed to stay active and dealt a good fight with that brokenness every day.

She's also hopeful. She still believes that she is worthy of being pursued. She has her faith with her. She learned the faults and misconceptions of love. Rest assured; she learned it all with God's wisdom, mercy, and grace.

She's a blessing. She's still that person who loves without condition. And she will not force you to love her the same way. She may appear broken - "was" broken. But she is that person who can still make you feel that you are already a whole. 

She's a gift. Even if the world put on so many scars on her, she's still a precious creation. The Highest is genuinely in love with her. She's all covered with genuine appreciation. 

Pray for her. Pray for her pains and her process of healing. Pray also for yourself that you may have the strength to continue pursuing her regardless. Pray that you may become the right person for her. Only a better version of you, the one who is already man enough, can and will accept her past, even all her flaws, and imperfections.

I hope you have eyes who can see the pain inside of her. It will remind you to be gentle. I hope you can recognize her kind-hearted spirit. I hope you can help her bring out the compassionate and caring person that she often hides from everyone. 

She's now afraid to be crushed by this world again. Help her and remind her that love is not always a big and scary place to journey.

In God's time, she'll be ready to open her heart to someone again - the right someone. Then and only then, I hope you win her heart and soul.

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To God be all the glory and praise.
